Google's understanding of the Marketing sector

Google's understanding of the Marketing sector

Google uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) routines to convert its understanding of text into topics and concepts (Entities). We looked out how much understanding Google misses using this approach in the Marketing sector.

InLinks analyzed the page content of the top 10 Google results (in the US Market) ranking for the phrase Internet marketing and compared the Named Entities recognized by Google’s NLP API with the proprietory routines designed by Inlinks to uncover gaps in Google’s machine learning in the Marketing sector

The results showed that 12.9% of entities seen on the results in the Marketing sector SERPS (search engine results pages) were positively identified by Google.

This compares to 17% average across all analyzed industry sectors.

Different sectors tend to be analyzed with a different degree of accuracy by the search engines. This stems from two main challenges.

Google’s Search API returned URLs for the following sites competing for this phrase:

The texts of each page are then sent to Google’s NLP API, in order to determine which entities are identified by the search engine. These are important for search since Google is then able to link these to its Knowledge Graph to feed its services including Google Discover, Google search, Voice Search and Google News. (Although, correct identification does not guarantee inclusion in these results)

Here is first of all the synthesis of the results returned by Google:

Here are some errors in the categorization of entities:

By understanding where Google is failing to recognize important concepts within the industry, there is an opportunity for companies in the sector to write clearer content that Google can better understand.

Another option is to explicitly state these concepts in Webpage schema for machine learning algorithms to take into account. This would require using and the "about" and mentions" properties for important concepts such as Web content, Marketing, Online advertising, Website.

Internal linking of topics to pages dedicated to each important topic will also help to reduce cannibalisation of content in Google’s understanding of the context within your content.

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