SEO Still Matters: 3 Important Tips You Can Use Today

SEO Still Matters: 3 Important Tips You Can Use Today

What if we’re thinking about SEO all wrong? Don’t get me wrong: SEO still matters. This post will just bring to light some of the misguided notions and incomplete narratives about SEO that masquerade as good advice.

And one of the most fundamental mistakes I see people make is not fully appreciating the full breadth of each of the three terms that comprise S-E-O: Search. Engine. Optimization.

Notice the placement of that first period after “Search.”

It’s time to think beyond traditional notions of “search engines” that group the terms “search” and “engine” together.

When we used to discuss “search engine optimization,” we were mostly talking about searches typed into Google, perhaps Bing, or (going back further) Yahoo.

Gone are the days of only typed searches. People now conduct more and more searches with voice commands.

And who knows what will happen when we all have chips implanted in our brains that can read our thoughts. We might just be able to think our search and get results via the screens on our contact lenses. ????

Bottom line: our notion of “search” is changing.

Gone, too, are the days of Google being the be-all and end-all as an engine for search.

YouTube has long been hailed as “the world’s second-most popular search engine.” If you’re producing videos, they need to surface for relevant searches on YouTube. The same concept applies to Apple Podcasts (formerly iTunes).

And think about how many searches Facebook must be getting these days. Even Twitter too. Your social posts are one step removed from your website content … but still one step closer than the person searching was a few seconds prior.

Bottom line: our notion of which “engines” are worth our time to target is changing.

And while there are always subtle tweaks you can make to improve your chances of ranking higher based on the particular algorithms each engine uses, many of the factors different engines use are generally quite similar.

That is search engine optimization on the modern and future web.

And if you’re thinking about SEO in any other way, you’re making a critical mistake.

SEO will matter for as far out on the horizon of the internet as I can see.

In some form or fashion, it probably always will — which is why continuing to hone your SEO skills is so important.

So, let’s discuss three critical (but pretty simple) moves you can take right away to improve each of the three elements of your SEO practice.

These are tips that will help you deliver reliable results into the future.

The first tip — which relates to search — is to make sure you actively work to understand the language your ideal audience uses.

That is how you ensure your content has as good a chance at surfacing for text-based searches as it does for spoken searches and, eventually, for thought searches.

But remember: this is just one context.

What about when people talk about your topic? What about when they ask casual questions?

This is where social media can be a great listening tool. This is where going to meetups and talking to real people in person can be helpful. This is where free-response audience surveys can provide great insights.

It’s the heart of why SEO still matters.

When you know how your ideal audience talks about your topic, and what kinds of questions are most pressing, you have the knowledge you need to create titles, subject lines, and body content that will be relevant for a wide variety of different semantic contexts.

I know you’re a content creator. Starting today, be an even more active listener than you already are.

Next, brainstorm all of the different engines where people may be looking for the type of content you create … and then figure out a way to get yourself into a new one.

For example, consider YouTube. Do you have any videos uploaded to YouTube that answer the kinds of questions that a subset of your ideal audience is almost surely typing into YouTube?

If not, get one in there.

Seriously, start with just one. Do it as an experiment.

The production doesn’t need to be complex. Just take a portion of a blog post and turn it into some text and basic imagery that has a voiceover or background music. If you want some help doing this, check out a site like Lumen5.

Then choose your title wisely and provide a useful description, so that YouTube will know what your video is about and display it in results for relevant searches.

Try it out and see what happens. Then keep identifying new engines where you can add your content.

This tip will help immensely with your optimization.

Make sure your website has the most solid foundation it possibly can.

Because when it comes to any search context (text or voice), and when it comes to any engine that may deliver your website as a result (think Google or Bing, but also social media), you need to make sure the hosting and design infrastructures of your site have all the basic elements in place:

I could go on, but I think you get the point.

Take this opportunity to review your current design framework and hosting. Double-check you aren’t making any optimization trade-offs either.

So there you have it: SEO still matters.

We discussed the critical shift in your SEO mindset that you should make right away, which will help you get better results today and well into the future.

And we’ve discussed three tips you can immediately use to put that new mindset into practice:

So, the question is …

Now that you’re motivated by your fresh, new mindset, which tip will you implement first?

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