Spooky season means it’s acceptable to get dressed up in fun costumes and satisfy your sweet tooth with an assortment of candy. What’s not acceptable is spooking your followers on social media, which could lead to the dreaded unfollow.
In this post, you’ll learn some of the biggest social media mistakes that can send people running away while shrieking in terror at the same time.
Here are the five mistakes you need to avoid and what you can do so you don’t fall victim to one of these horrible crimes:
In business, it’s smart to have a clear objective behind the work you do. That includes social media. Why are you using the social media platforms that you’ve incorporated into your content marketing strategy? Are you showing up online as a way to generate brand awareness, build relationships, and drive sales? Probably! And knowing those goals helps you to better create the content that will get you from where you are now to where you want to be.
For instance, you may have created your social media profiles to book more clients for your coaching business. But if you aren’t creating content that promotes this offering, you won’t get the results you desire. So, you always want to first set goals and tie your content to them. Which feeds right into the next of our social media mistakes.
When it comes to candy, everyone loves a good assorted mix. However, that can sometimes be a problem in business if your content is all over the place. You want your content to be a clear indicator of the work you’re doing and what you offer to potential clients and customers. After all, it’s a bit confusing if you’re offering marketing tips one day and a recipe the next.
When your content is focused, it will serve you much better when it comes to reaching your goals. If it helps, come up with one main umbrella topic that your brand will create content about and then branch off from there. Here on my blog, I share social media marketing tips, but I’ll niche down into tips for specific platforms like Twitter.
P.S. This article teaches a 3-bucket topic strategy that will help you with content ideas.
No one wants to be ghosted, whether it’s in the dating world or by their favorite brand’s social media accounts. However, it’s something that a lot of brands are guilty of doing by forgetting to post on a regular basis. Whether it’s just because social media has been put on the back burner or you’re struggling to come up with fresh content ideas, we’ve all been there.
The key to avoiding one of the biggest social media mistakes is to have a strategy in place. Know who your audience is, plan a content strategy that will appeal to them, and then start creating. Once you have content ready to be shared, plug it into your favorite scheduling tool and have everything go out at optimal times for the best results. This way, you’ll never have to worry about going days without posting.
Another way you could be ghosting your followers is by ignoring their messages. Whenever you receive a reply or a direct message, you should take the time to respond. It’s essential for building a relationship with your audience. Plus, you can learn a lot about their interests and what they need from you in terms of the content and offerings you create.
It’s safe to say that we’ve all fallen victim to one of the most annoying social media mistakes: clickbait. Scroll through any platform right now and you’re sure to see a sensationalist headline paired with an article that doesn’t really deliver on what the headline promises. While this tactic certainly works to drive clicks, it’s not serving you in the long run. Readers will get frustrated clicking over to your website, only to be disappointed when the content isn’t what was expected. In time, they’ll catch on and stop clicking. They might even unfollow you.
Another spooky trick you’ll want to avoid is being spammy. Automated directed messages, adding people to group DMs, sending sketchy links, or anything else of the sort simply is not cool. Your followers won’t stick around long if you use tactics like this to gain attention.
This is one of the social media mistakes so many brands are guilty of making. Even though you’re using these platforms to promote your business and what you’re selling, it can’t be the only thing you post about. Your followers will get bored real quick.
That’s why you need to mix it up a bit. Instead of only sharing promotional content that’s asking for a sale, talk about your free content to add value. Give a behind-the-scenes look into your business. And focus on primarily building relationships before expecting people to send money your way. It’ll build the Know, Like, and Trust Factor, ensuring long-term success.