The 2018 Facebook Content Marketing Strategy Guide

The 2018 Facebook Content Marketing Strategy Guide

Applying a well thought out Facebook content marketing strategy is an awesome way to generate ongoing engagement and interest in your business.

If you apply proven methods for effective content posting these can net you a dramatic increase in the number of likes, comments and shares you are able to get.

This content marketing guide focuses mainly on organic content marketing and for now does not get into boosting posts and using Facebook ads to enhance your Facebook content marketing efforts.

When posting links make sure to take a few moments and edit the link preview to include a quality snippet describing the content and the best image as well.

In terms of what day of the week should you run a campaign I have found Monday to be the worst day of the week for a campaign and I have found that Thursday and Friday are the best days for a Facebook campaign.

That said to get the best results with your Facebook content marketing strategy you should plan to post new content every day.

I think the reason why pre-weekend campaigns work better is directly is related to the mood of most people on the day of the campaign.

Many people are grumpy on Mondays, whereas on a Thursday or Friday most people are starting to feel the good spirits of a nearby weekend.

Keep your Facebook content frequent, valuable, and dynamic and the more value you create the better results you will get!

Digging into your Facebook page insights dashboard is a great way to reveal a ton of powerful data.

The many different aspects of page insights reveals plenty of different information about your page and the people who are a part of it.

If you click on the “People” tab of your insights dashboard (on the left hand side) you will see a graph like the one below that shows the age and gender of your page members.

Under this graph there is additional data showing the top countries, cities, and languages of your page members.

Knowing this information can help you tailor your content to your audience.

If you are a WordPress blogger you can optimize your content for Facebook by making sure your featured image is square.

Square images show up best in Facebook link previews and help attract more clicks.

Although links are great for getting visitors back to your site I find that Facebook posts containing graphics get better engagement!

For an example of how well images share just have a look at Instagram.

If you have an iPhone or a newer Android device and want to  get more engagement with your Facebook photos I highly recommend you download and use Instagram.

When you post to Instagram you can simultaneously post to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and more.

This saves time and is the best way I have found to post content to the main social networks at once!

Create a calendar of content you will be sharing at least 30 days in advance.

When you plan out all of your content at once you will be able to do so much more efficiently than if you do so on an ongoing basis.

For best results experiment with different content types.  Such as:

And have a look at your Facebook insights to reveal which posts are giving you the best results.

If you are promoting your blog content one of the most important things you can do is ensure your featured image looks great.

Using a 600 x 600 square image is a smart strategy to go with because this way people can grab your image and share it on Instagram as well.

Facebook has a sharing debugger tool that you can use to preview how your content will look when it is shared.

If your content does not look quite right in the link preview click the “scrape again” button after you update your featured image, otherwise Facebook will continue to show the old featured image and this will cost your content shares it could otherwise get.

When posting a Facebook link to Facebook it makes a big difference if you use a link preview, instead of just a plain text link.

In the following post I posted a text link with a link preview link to show the size difference between the two.  The link preview is entirely clickable and has at least 4x the surface area of a regular text link!

If you are a WordPress blogger you can optimize your content for Facebook when you make sure your featured image is square.

Square images show up best in Facebook link previews and helps attract more clicks.

Keep your Facebook content frequent, valuable, and dynamic and the more value you create the better results you will get!

Keep your Facebook content frequent, valuable, and dynamic and the better results you will get!

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