How to create a winning social media marketing strategy - The Crowdfire blog

How to create a winning social media marketing strategy - The Crowdfire blog

Social media marketing is one of the best ways to get new customers online along with SEO.

However, without the right social media marketing strategy in place, there is absolutely no chance you are going to reach any of the 4.48 billion social media users.

And that’s why in this article you’re going to discover how to build it so that you can grow a giant following and get leads and customers that keep coming back to buy again and again.

So, are you ready to begin? If so, let’s dive in…

Regardless of the social media platform that you’re doing social media marketing on, if your strategy lacks one of these steps, it is not going to work.

Sounds easy peasy? It’s not. That’s because each one of these steps includes several other steps that you will have to take to make the strategy work.

Now, I bet this has crossed your mind: “Well, I use social media just to run paid ads. That is going to account for everything.”

It won’t. Advertising on social media without a proper strategy is just a one-time thing. If you are really great at sales and advertising you might make a sale, and then what?

If you don’t make those who bought a part of your brand by joining your audience, they are never going to come back.

It’s not a way to build a sustainable source of leads and sales on its own. However, when combined with the right strategy, before or after they buy, they are going to follow you, consume your content, become a part of your movement, and then become LOYAL customers.

That means they’ll buy again, again, and again. That is priceless.

So, let’s have a closer look at all of these stages to make your social media marketing strategy work…

Alright, this is going to be probably the hardest part especially when you are beginning. Regardless of the social media platform that you are on, there are only 3 ways to reach people…

You should focus on all of these things. That’s when you will reach the most people and grow the biggest following…

Also, it is essential from another standpoint. When one of the sources of attention goes down (for example, algorithm change), then you will have two other things that will still give you such a huge flow of attention you’ll grow and sell like crazy.

So, the first thing you can do is to

In other words, you’re going to do what you can to make the algorithm of the platform that you are on show your content to as many people as possible.

There is a simple formula to do it:

The last step of the formula is going to consistently change how the content that you share is going to look like. Besides that the content you share must be valuable and well presented, it will have to adapt to what works to make the algorithm promote your content.

For example, if the algorithm currently seems to promote videos and they get the best results, it might as well be a great idea to share videos as well and also model the way the video you have seen has been recorded for your own video.

Then measure and improve to make the performance of the videos you share the highest it can be. Once it goes down, model what gets the best results again and on and on.

To make it clear, the content that is going to be created this way is going to account for a total of 40% of all posts that you share. The other 60% still needs to nurture the audience and sell your products and services.

And obviously, this content is not going to get as great reach, but it is extremely important for your social media marketing strategy to work and get you, new loyal customers.

That can be done in many different ways from influencer marketing to guest posting and collaborations, to just engaging with the other people’s audience.

You want to leverage other people’s audiences in as many ways as you can.

So, start contacting influencers for collaborations, comment on their posts and engage with their followers, and more.

Advertising is one of the best ways you can reach your dream customers on social media because it is cheap…and the best thing about it is the leverage that you get.

You can target EXACTLY your dream customers and show your ads only to them plus, you will be able to instantly convert that attention into leads and sales because you will redirect traffic to the sales process.

However, you’ll also get new followers as a byproduct.

That means you’ll win on all fronts. But to get results you need to create the right social media ad.

Remember that a great ad that works always does 3 things:

The domain name and logo is something you don’t want to skip. Some people who won’t act right away will think of you some day later and will use search to find out more. When you show them the domain name, it will be a huge source of visitors for your sales process you’d otherwise miss out on.

Here’s an example of one of the ads that got a 5% click-through rate and got me hundreds of leads in days..

And that’s how you get attention on any social media marketing platform. However, that’s just the beginning of your social media marketing strategy…

To make your social media marketing strategy generate leads and sales for you, make your followers loyal to you, engage with your content, and promote your brand…

You MUST nurture your audience.

Nurturing your audience means building strong relationships with them, making them believe in your brand’s mission, building trust, and much more.

That can only be done in two ways. First, you have to involve your followers and engage with them. Second, you need to become relatable.

Involving your audience and engaging with them is simple. All you have to do is to ask your followers questions, reply to their comments and direct messages, and basically show that you care about their opinion.

That personal touch is going to build stronger relationships and trust than you could ever imagine.

Second, you need to become relatable and build authority. That is going to be done by sharing your backstory, going behind the scenes, becoming more personal, and being authentic.

Also, you want to share valuable content that outvalues everybody else in your industry to build strong authority and trust.

When you show them that you know what you’re talking about, people will trust you.

About 40% of your content should be focused just on nurturing your audience and nothing else.

And last part of your social media marketing strategy is to…

This part of your social media strategy includes two things. Your promotional strategy is directly on the social media platform and your sales funnel.

When it comes to the promotional strategy on social media, there are some things that you must avoid at all costs and some things that you should do.

First of all, NEVER spam people and do cold messaging just to promote your product or service. Nothing is going to kill your brand faster than this.

Also, avoid all things like using bots to spam comments or spamming them yourself.

It is a sure way to kill the results that you get.

That way you are going to ensure you consistently drive traffic to your sales funnel and generate sales.

This takes us to the next thing you must do as a part of your social media marketing strategy if you want to turn your followers into customers…

And that’s to build a sales funnel. A sales funnel is a series of pages that takes your dream customer through a certain experience that persuades them to become a lead, become a customer, and that doubles or even triples your revenue through upsells plus makes the customer into somebody who will keep buying again and again.

The very basic sales funnel that you can use to convert your followers into customers consists of these pages.

First, a lead-squeeze page. This is a page that you use to get the contact information of your dream customers so that you can follow up with them later.

Second, a sales page. This is the page where you are going to sell your product or service. The final action here is the purchase.

Third, upsell pages. On the upsell pages you are going to sell 1–2 relevant products or services that will help them use what they just got. These simple pages can double or even triple your revenue.

Fourth, a thank you page. This is the page where you are going to thank them for the purchase and give them more information about the delivery of the product or service or /give them access to what they bought.

And of course, after they finish, you are going to try to sell them another product or service on the thank you page as well.

Also, you are going to follow up through email consistently. That way, your customers are going to buy again and again your or your affiliate’s products or services, which will mean more sales for you.

And that’s how you build a winning social media marketing strategy on any platform.

Don’t forget to always adapt to new changes happening on the social media platforms that you are on because that is going to determine whether or not you are going to be successful.

Those who don’t adapt their social media strategy consistently will eventually fail.

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