3 Fatal Mistakes Brands Make When Hiring SEO Copywriters

3 Fatal Mistakes Brands Make When Hiring SEO Copywriters

Up to 72% of buyers start research for a product or service by consulting Google.

Smart SEO marketing guarantees you a steady, ever-increasing flow of traffic, leads, and sales. But to nail it and reap all these benefits you need excellent SEO copywriters. Sadly, most brands trip up when hiring writers. Consequently, they don’t see results.

In this post, I will reveal three common mistakes companies make when hiring an SEO copywriter. Better yet, the post will suggest fixes for the missteps.

A significant number of companies require degrees like BA In Communication Science or Creative Writing for writers to join their staff.

First, there are very few universities that teach SEO copywriting. Most college classes teach dry, formal, offline media stuff that doesn’t work online. Second, not all gifted writers have writing degrees.

So if you insist on a degree, you miss out on many talented result-getting writers who don’t have a formal qualification. After all, SEO writing isn’t about fancy degrees, it’s about getting results in the actual world.

What you should do instead:

A significant number of business owners are so obsessed with cutting costs that they hire the cheapest writer they can find on the market.

Shopping for writers based solely on a meager budget is a massive blunder.

You’ll attract crappy writers who produce poor copy that’ll hurt your brand reputation. Plus, search engines disfavor poor writing. Finally, lousy SEO writers are notorious for building toxic links that negatively affect your rankings. In a worst-case scenario, you can even incur a Google penalty.

What you should do instead:

You will commission a major project and be disappointed with the results. And then you must start searching all over again.

That’s where a trial piece comes in to save the day.

It allows you to gauge the writer’s potential without committing too much. If you discover they’re a good fit, you’ll move ahead with joy. But if they aren’t, you happily part ways because you haven’t wasted precious financial resources on them.

What you should do instead:

Without expert SEO writers in your team, your search marketing strategy misfires.

Develop a hiring system that flushes out below-par writers and lets the cream rise to the top. With a rockstar team of SEO copywriters on your side, you will dominate the SERPs. When your customers search for topics related to your solution, they’ll find you.

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