Why your brand might be in need of something different

 Why your brand might be in need of something different

Looking at neuroscience: Why your brand might be in need of something different
January 4, 2021
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Founder, Lead Consultant & Chartered Marketer
Think Beyond
Admittedly, a brand refresh may not be top of the agenda right now. As the crisis keeps spinning, B2B marketers are in need of one thing - leads. After all, a rebrand doesn’t drive leads today and it is difficult to measure a direct benefit. Conversely, it is more important than ever to stand out and many are planning for 2021 after a tough year. Read on to discover how neuroscience gives you something different.
Is neuroscience just a buzzword?
No, it certainly isn’t. Experts in neuroscience seek greater understanding of how the human brain works and how it responds to stimuli. When neuroscience is applied to marketing, it is a powerful tool to finesse your approach and enhance the response. Neuroscience applied to your brand gives you further food for thought as it seeks to increase the positive emotional responses you seek. Neuroscientists study human responses in certain situations. At best, it creates greater affinity, engagement and excitement around your brand. At worst, it simply helps it stand out and be more memorable than it was before. Either way, you are highly likely to see an improvement using science to underpin a brand change rather than opinion.
Doesn’t that seem invasive and expensive?
Long gone are the suggestions that neuroscientists are trying to read your brain. We will leave that endeavour and bold claim to Mr Musk. In fact, using neuroscience doesn’t even need close interaction with people, which is rather handy in these times of social distancing. There are options for offline studies and online programs that can gather results through your mobile, tablet or laptop. In terms of cost, think of it this way. If your rebranding cost millions and sales dropped, the CMO or Marketing Director that led the programme is likely to go. If your advertising campaign cost £1m for a short slot on television, you really don’t want confused and frustrated prospects at the end of it who can’t recall which business it was. If you have pushed more business online and work from home, is your current brand and use of brand assets consistent with today? Best get the branding matched to customer expectations and emotions…
Branding with extra zest
Some marketers have made their careers out of a successful rebrand and some even move every few years to rebrand their competitors. This isn’t necessary with neuroscience which takes the ‘gamble’ out of your branding efforts. In short, you get a more accurate view of how your brand stands out and makes people feel versus primary research methods (surveys, focus groups etc) or guesswork. Bias is a huge issue for interviews, focus groups and surveys with inducements. For long-standing brands with significant value attached, the truth is that many are afraid to touch the brand unless the board feel it is a reason for declining fortunes. Neuroscience doesn’t have to deliver a root and branch refresh and can simply enhance how your brand is used in anything from your website to sales decks. It doesn’t have to cost the earth to get an expert to suggest improvements or to get some creative assets reworked for greater effect.
Different strokes for different folks
Aligning your brand to your value proposition gives a greater chance of success. Most people know what Apple or Accenture stand for, right? Some brands fail to communicate your values and fail to connect in the right way emotionally with prospective clients. A childish looking logo? A hastily assembled presentation? A website that looks like your competitors?
In conclusion, beyond board approval and opinion, neuroscience gives you another tool in the toolbox for your B2B brand. In this time of personalised messaging, engaging customer journeys and emotive customer experiences, neuroscience has come of age.
See how you can start winning with your brand here.

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