Content Automation: How AI Is Transforming Content Marketing

Content Automation: How AI Is Transforming Content Marketing

Digital Marketing is becoming an integral part of overall marketing spending for all brands in order to race past the competition. And in that, content marketing takes the topmost position. Today businesses, irrespective of their size and target markets, have realized the growing prominence of good quality content, scaling content production coupled with consistency in delivering high-quality content. 

Often this process of content delivery is challenged by three key factors - quality content, consistent delivery, and the speed at which the content needs to be created. All these done with accuracy go a long way in building brand trust and gaining followers online.

With the advent of technology, dominated by artificial intelligence (AI), data science, and machine learning, the content industry has seen a paradigm shift. Brands position themselves as experts in their respective sectors by publishing exceptional long-form content, resulting in credibility, trust, and loyalty. Various artificial intelligence (AI) solutions today promise to create amazing copies for businesses. Automation along with artificial intelligence is likely to transform the entire digital marketing scenario, particularly the content marketing industry. 

AI is revolutionizing the way content is being created today. The last two years saw a substantial rise in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in content marketing. Developing quality-content starts with identifying a subject, conducting online research, gathering your thoughts, and finally putting those thoughts into words. The deployment of AI, has perhaps shortened the process. Many firms are adopting AI to devise content strategies and enhance their offering. It can actually intertwine a provided list of words into a narrative in a much more compelling way that eventually results in interaction between the humans and the words.

The increasing usage of chatbots by various brands across industries for initial problem solving or answering mere FAQs is a testimony of its rising implementation. Multilingual chatbots are proving to be more efficient in supporting native language interaction without human interference. They ease off pressure to a large extent while humans can spend time in structured work and planning.

Brands are reaping benefits through AI copywriting, and content research automation tools. With these benefits, AI in content can be both cost-efficient and time-saving with increased RoI for brands implementing it. It enables a brand to increase all productivity and helps them invest the time in strategizing and understanding their audience better. 

Automated content creation and delivery is the need of the hour for individuals, agencies, and, businesses alike. AI-driven can boost up the content creation process by indicating accurate suggestions through auto content while the marketers can focus more on driving the marketing campaign efficiently. Increased RoI, faster delivery it’s the capability to map quality content are just implausible.

However, brands will continue to rely on humans largely for the mitigation of errors. Not to forget the creativity aspect of the human brain.

Talking about the market relevance o  AI-based content automation, Mayank Jain, Co-founder and CEO of, Scalenut, states, “If you publish content online – long articles, quick blog posts or even social media posts – you are trying to communicate meaningfully with your audience. Establishing authority and trust are two of the most fundamental goals for any online content. What also matters is the speed at which content is developed. At Scalenut, our AI-powered platform can do entire research, get insights and create compelling content in a matter of a few minutes.”

With technology dominance happening at rocket speed, AI automation in content is here to stay. Today users can write ad copies, social media captions, blog ideas, meta descriptions, or entire long-form blogs, within a few clicks. On top of this, using AI and NLP one can make the output high-quality and engaging. 

The very nature of the industry is fragmented with multiple players providing one or the other solution. What marketers need is a unified solution for the entire content lifecycle. This would mean a set of right tools and the right talent coming together and solving complex workflows

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