Landing Pages vs Websites - Which Should You Use?

Landing Pages vs Websites - Which Should You Use?

Sending ad traffic to your website can leave your visitors feeling lost. Websites,  have lots of distractions and destinations that detract from your campaign goal. Use landing pages for your campaigns instead—and communicate a clear, compelling experience to your audience. (Just like the one below...)

Unlike your website, landing pages are laser-focused on your specific campaign goal. When someone clicks your ad or email, landing pages immediately show them the next thing you want ‘em to do.

With one call to action, landing pages prevent your audience from getting distracted. This singular focus leads visitors down the path you want, whether that’s buying something or signing up for your service.

Because landing pages are focused on getting visitors to do just one thing, they’re way more likely to do it. That means you get more leads, sales, and signups from your marketing campaigns.

So you’re planning your marketing campaign! Where should you send your ad traffic? Landing pages get better results than your website with the same advertising budget. They don’t mislead your visitors. Instead, they give ‘em exactly what they came for. Less BS, more ROI.

Your website is crammed with information and loaded with stuff to do. That means visitors can easily get distracted—and that means they’re more likely to bounce.

Unbounce lets you create your landing page within minutes—which means you can deliver the most relevant messaging to your audience faster. And with more than a decade of conversion data to back it up, it gives you better results, too.

Features that make it all simpler and smarter? Streamline your campaign creation, get smart campaign insights, and instantly generate copy for your campaign assets. That’s the power of AI.

A/B testing who? Unbounce lets you optimize your traffic with the click of a button—helping you get 30% more sales and signups. It’s called optimization, baby

“I think of landing pages as an entry point. It allows visitors to get what they want—fast […] That’s why it’s so important to create different experiences based on what we know about each user to get them down the funnel faster [...] Unbounce gives us the ability to build campaigns fast and simple, which has been a very important part of our growth as an organization.”

Websites can’t perfectly match all your different ads, so it’s tough to deliver super-targeted messaging to your audience—and that means your campaign results suffer.

Bottom line: When you send visitors to your website, you’re missing out on conversions—which means you’re not getting the best bang for your ad bucks. Have fun explaining that to your boss.

Landing pages are like a funnel directly to your campaign goal—no distractions or other paths to take. As a result, your visitors are way more likely to do what you want them to.

You can build landing pages specific to every one of your ads. And when your audience sees consistent messaging across the whole journey, there’s a much better chance they’ll convert.

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