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Google Economic Impact | state detail: Arkansas - Google

Google Economic Impact | state detail: Arkansas - Google When Joan and Bruce Johnson got into the Arkansas hardwood business in 1977, they never imagined a future with major international resort clients. Their...

How to balance your digital and print marketing

How to balance your digital and print marketing

Now that the panic-provoking headlines of “print is dead” have toned down to “well, not quite”, it’s safe to say that we all know there is value in both print and digital...

4 Tasks You Must Do Every Day to Grow Your Business - Calendar

4 Tasks You Must Do Every Day to Grow Your Business - Calendar

The ability to grow your business is what will make it break it. Often times, this looks like being consistent with certain tasks. These tasks are usually those that keep...

The Sensitive Marketer's Guide to Brand Authenticity | Convince & Convert

The Sensitive Marketer's Guide to Brand Authenticity | Convince & Convert

Consumers see up to 10,000 messages from brands every day. From mobile ads to social media posts to television commercials, no one can escape. As a coping mechanism, people...

Digital Marketing Optimization for Niche Markets and Small Businesses

Digital Marketing Optimization for Niche Markets and Small Businesses

As a business owner, you have made it a priority to know your product or service inside and out. You have selected a specialized niche, whether it be a broad spectrum of topics...

Top 7 Law Firm Marketing Ideas

Top 7 Law Firm Marketing Ideas

As rewarding asbeing a lawyeris, it's not without drawbacks. For one, it's a high-stress job. You have to work long hours, tend to the demands of your clients, keep up with the...

4 proven tips of marketing strategy every marketer should know

4 proven tips of marketing strategy every marketer should know

Running a successful business and making and maintaining its place in the market is a really difficult task to perform. Some people are such skilled that they perform this task...